Meeting With Keith and Florence Gustafson

We met last night with Keith and his wife Florence. Ted Stephens, Rachel Lyons, Jeff Heiss, Darren and Barb Willis, Elise Nordman, Roger Yurczyk, Pastor Keith and myself, were all ready to hear the great things about the Congo and start to plan our next trip there. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and connecting with one another.

Keith asked what we had a passion to do there in the DRC. We know that we wanted to make sure we were involved in putting another roof on a school. Keith let us know that because of location all the schools that could be done in the area have been completed. The remaining schools are not right off the beaten path. The one school that Dr. Sanguma identified was in Gbadolite, in the northern part of Equateur province, close to the boarder of Central African Republic.

The only way to get to this school would be by MAF, into Gbadolite. We would not be able to take more than 4 or 5 into Gbadolite, since MAF can only handle so much total weight. We would also incur a greater cost in this form of transportation.

Other projects were talked about, and many questions asked, but nothing really nailed down. We seen the first run at some quick budget numbers, but as we understand a little better what will be going on, we will get better numbers, that we can talk about with the team, and began to build a team that God has called to his service.

One thing that we did get is some dates. The dates that we came up with that work with everyone present, that was thinking about going, are September 1st through September 14th.

So there are many things to pray about and seek God's leading, as we plan for this trip. Cost always comes into question, and time off for all whom feel called to follow God into the unknown.

I did find a Cool Congo Map

Posted bySlackNet at 9:27 AM  


Unknown said... March 19, 2008 at 3:55 PM  

Sorry I couldn't make it. I had play practice. I know that there are lots of things to do in congo but I think renewable power in either solar or water would be a high priority for the people who live there. Also, I think a computer refurbishing center would be a great help for the education and work of the church since so many of the people there either don't have a computer or continually have problems with them.

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